"Shayed is my next big project. The play has been directed by Khuda aur Mohabbat 2-famed, Syed Ali Raza Usman and has been written by Faiza Iftikhar. It also stars Nouman Ijaz and Saadia Khan in lead roles." Uzair "And I'm also doing the OST fo"Shayed is my next big project. The play has been directed by Khuda aur Mohabbat 2-famed, Syed Ali Raza Usman and has been written by Faiza Iftikhar. It also stars Nouman Ijaz and Saadia Khan in lead roles." Uzair "And I'm also doing the OST for the play so let's just say I couldn't say no to a project that let me enjoy both my passions, "I play the character of Saad, who is a hopeless romantic, very young at heart and crazy in love with this girl. That's pretty much all that I can reveal about at this stage," Uzair shared. “Shayad is a humble story of love where Saad (played by Uzair) gets on a journey of his love travelling by the road of immaturity to reach the destination of maturity. The story is packed with emotions and feelings one can feel to their core.”r the play so let's just say I couldn't say no to a project that let me enjoy both my passions, "I play the character of Saad, who is a hopeless romantic, very young at heart and crazy in love with this girl. That's pretty much all that I can reveal about at this stage," Uzair shared. “Shayad is a humble story of love where Saad (played by Uzair) gets on a journey of his love travelling by the road of immaturity to reach the destination of maturity. The story is packed with emotions and feelings one can feel to their core.”
She further said: “I wrote the script back in 2015 but we had to wait for the right cast as the main protagonist transforms from 16 years to 24 years which I later changed the former to 19 yearsuzair
It will be aired soon on geo tv in place of mohabbat tum se nafrat hai.It is based on a novel written by faiza iftikhar in 2015. Published in a digest.
Nauman ijaz as salar azam
Sadia khan as umm e hani
uzair jaswal as saad rizwan
samar hamdani as slama’s lover
farhana maqsood as salma.
shayad upcoming drama of sadia khan,uzair jaswal and nauman ijaz
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Shayad drama on geo tv.
She further said: “I wrote the script back in 2015 but we had to wait for the right cast as the main protagonist transforms from 16 years to 24 years which I later changed the former to 19 yearsuzair
It will be aired soon on geo tv in place of mohabbat tum se nafrat hai.It is based on a novel written by faiza iftikhar in 2015. Published in a digest.
Nauman ijaz as salar azam
Sadia khan as umm e hani
uzair jaswal as saad rizwan
samar hamdani as slama’s lover
farhana maqsood as salma.
shayad upcoming drama of sadia khan,uzair jaswal and nauman ijaz
please subscribe our channel and get new videos related to it
like us on facebook;
our website; http://worldtop10spot.blogspot.com/
Shayad drama on geo tv.
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